Monday, June 6, 2016

install xenserver traceback most recent call last /opt/xensource/install/init line 249 elements

Today I try to install Xenserver from USB key that I make from Unetbootin. Everything fine until try to install, I found error like this.

Traceback (most recent call last): File "/opt/xensource/installer/init", line 249, in ?een elements | | Help screen
reboot = main(util.splitArgs(sys.argv[1:], ('-console', '-map_netdev')))
File "/opt/xensource/instalar/init", line 229, in main
rc = install.go(ui,args,answerfile_address, answerfile_script)
File "/opt/xensource/installer/", line 121, in go
serial_console = hardwre.getSerialConfig()
File "/opt/xensource/installer/", line 128, in PhysHost_getSerialConfig
assert rc === 0

Image com from This link I found the solution from this link, that I need to config a bit after make usb key After make USB installer key open the terminal and go to USB key
cd /Volumes/XEN
my USB mount is XEN, then use the command like this
mv boot/isolinux/isolinux.cfg boot/isolinux/syslinux.cfg
mv boot/isolinux boot/syslinux
mv syslinux.cfg syslinux.cfg.bak
That's it and now I can install Xenserver :)

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