Thursday, August 20, 2015

fstab mount nfs boot press S to skip mounting

Many time when booting machine that setting fstab to boot nfs file server and found this error look like this:
The disk drive for /nfspath is not ready yet or not present
Continue to wait; or Press S to skip mounting or M for manual recovery
and found this error in syslog like this:
mountall: mount /nfspath [617] terminated with status 32
mount.nfs: Failed to resolve server nfsserver: Temporary failure in name resolution
Ater search a bit we can avoid to wait when boot by edit fstab and put "nobootwait" option after line
nfsserver:/nfsserverpath    /nfspath    nfs    bg,vers=3,tcp,hard,intr
nfsserver:/nfsserverpath    /nfspath    nfs    bg,vers=3,tcp,hard,intr,nobootwait


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